dopra disks
A Startling Discovery in the Baian-Kara-Ula Caves

In 1938, an expedition led by archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the Baian-Kara-Ula caves in China made a remarkable discovery. Within the caves lay traces of an ancient culture that once inhabited them. Buried under layers of dust were hundreds of stone disks scattered throughout the cave’s interior. Initially appearing unremarkable, these disks turned out to bear an eerie resemblance to phonograph records – measuring nine inches in diameter, featuring a circular cut in their centers, and displaying an evident spiral groove. They are believed to be over 10,000 years old. However, the spiral, as it turns out, is composed of tiny hieroglyphs. Upon study and translation, it was revealed that the disks tell the astonishing story of spaceships that crashed into the mountains, piloted by beings who referred to themselves as the Dropa. At least, that’s what Tsun Um Nui, the Chinese researcher in charge of the Dropa stones, concluded.

From Amazement to Ridicule: Scientific Community’s Response

While his announcement initially startled the world, it was subsequently met with ridicule by most of the scientific community, prompting him to self-impose exile in Japan. Russian researchers requested the disks for study, and China sent a few to Moscow. In the famous Soviet magazine Sputnik, Dr. Vyatcheslav Saizev described an experiment where the disks were supposedly placed on a special turntable and demonstrated to ‘vibrate’ or ‘hum’ in an unusual rhythm, as though an electric charge was passing through them. However, research wasn’t continued – or at least, it wasn’t made public.

The Mystery of the Dropa Disks: A Cold War Veiled Enigma

Presently, none of these stones are displayed in any world museum, and all research has been shrouded in the secrecy of the Cold War. Frankly, we don’t even know if the stones exist, and even Tsun Um Nui, the Chinese researcher who initially analyzed the stones, is shrouded in mystery – there’s virtually no reference of him outside of China. The mystery deepens as Ernst Wegerer, an Austrian engineer, claims to have seen two of the Dropa stones and took photos of them, but by 1994, the stones and the manager who allowed Wegerer access had disappeared.

In conclusion, as of today, we have no clear information on whether the Dropa stones exist. If they do, they remain one of the most mysterious artifacts in the world.

While the story of the Dropa disk continues to fascinate and raise questions, certainty regarding its authenticity remains elusive. The mystery behind these stone disks and their enigmatic narratives fuels curiosity and debate within the realms of archaeology and unexplained phenomena.


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