A nuclear explosion formed the moonA new scientific theory overturns everything that was believed about the formation of the moon and comes up with an absolutely mind-blowing hypothesis, namely that a nuclear explosion formed the moon!

The promoters of this theory are researchers Rob de Meijer and Wim van Westrenen who claim that the Earth acted like a nuclear georeactor that reached critical mass. This nuclear georeactor propelled a piece of the Earth into orbit, which became the Moon.

The theory accepted by most scientists is known as the giant impact hypothesis. It claims that following the collision of the earth with another huge cosmic object, two new celestial bodies of unequal sizes were formed. They stayed side by side, Earth’s gravity holding the Moon captive!

Other researchers have embraced the idea that a giant solar explosion tore the Earth in two. Another theory, that of the captive moon, believes that the moon was just a celestial body wandering around the universe when it was captured by the earth’s gravitational force.

Finally, others believe that the Moon is an artificial body, added to the Earth by aliens or people from the future (for what purpose?).

The latest theory regarding the formation of the moon comes from Dutch researchers Rob de Meijer and Wim van Westrenen who advance the idea that a nuclear explosion formed the moon. They believe that heavy elements such as uranium and thorium were collected in the central zone of the Earth due to the centrifugal force given by the rotation.

This terrible concentration of heavy materials led to a nuclear reaction, producing an explosion of this natural nuclear georeactor. The explosion caused some of the Earth’s mass to be thrown into orbit, becoming the Moon.

The two researchers argue their point on the extraordinary similarities that exist between the composition of the Moon and the Earth, and the huge amounts of nuclear waste found on the Moon fuel their theory.

Or does this nuclear waste come from other activities (human or non-human) that are kept secret from us?


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  1. If the moon were created due to an Earth explosion ….. the magnitude needed to accomplish that would have left a sizable amount of evidence (ie. huge crater, scorched earth, radiation traces etc.) so that theory seems a bit out there.
    With all going on over the past 10 years I actually can buy into the theory that the moon is an alien made object towed into earths gravity pull millennia ago so that aliens could observe us and we not know it.
    Now that our technology has evolved…. staying hidden within the moon is becoming harder for aliens to maintain.

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