ELONGATED SKULLS IN MALTAAt the beginning of the 20th century, elongated skulls from Malta were found in the oldest underground temple and necropolis in the world.

The story begins in 1902, when, on a construction site, workers discovered a buried megalithic structure, which turned out to be the oldest temple buried underground at over 7,000 years old.

Called The Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni, this incredible ancient structure, built entirely underground, amazes both by its antiquity and by its special characteristics.

It is not known to whom the temple was worshipped, as very little is known about the civilization that built it, but it is suspected that it was a female deity. In any case, several female statues were found in the labyrinthine complex.

Each room is different from the others, one being downright remarkable, where it is a voice always reverberates around the walls, which led the researchers to call it the “room of the oracles”.

But the most shocking discovery is that of more than 7,000 mysterious skeletons, whose skulls were grotesquely elongated. Wondering what’s so special about this, since lengthening skulls was a widespread practice in ancient times? Well, these skulls are naturally elongated, with no traces of intervention on them. Moreover, lengthened skull lack the median fossa, the join that runs along the top of the skull, which shows, without a doubt, that they are not earthly!

Their study materialized in a material published by National Geographic in 1920, from which I quote: “From an examination of the skeletons of the polished-stone age, it appears that the early inhabitants of Malta were a race of long-skulled people of lower medium height, akin to the early people of Egypt, who spread westward along the north coast of Africa when some went to Malta and Sicily and others to Sardinia and Spain.”

As research on elongated skulls advanced and new discoveries were made that shocked the medical world and historians, the skulls began to disappear. Currently, there are 6 more, which are only available to researchers, and the general public no longer has access to them. The official reason is that they have decayed, the faces due to the stupid condition in which they were found (they lasted over 5000 years, and in only 50 years to disappear)!

The officials made these records disappear, but behind the elongated skulls in Malta, a series of questions arise, the answers to which will come sooner than they think!

So why did the reports of the first research disappear and the researchers die inexplicably? Another buried temple discovered in 1820 in Gozo, was only excavated in 1994 (who took 170 years to cover up evidence?), and another in the area has been closed for over 50 years, with excavations being banned.

The mystery behind the elongated skulls in Malta is still hard to fathom, but in our opinion, there are only two reasons for their existence. The first hypothesis, and the most plausible, given the fact that naturally elongated skulls have also been found in other areas of the Earth (not in such large numbers, of course), is that they are part of a planetary-level genetic experiment, carried out by a race of aliens (for what purpose?).

The second hypothesis is that they represent the remains of an ancient extraterrestrial population that once lived on Earth.

What are the authorities trying to hide? What do you think?


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